Sunday, April 23, 2006


I want to offer an apology for not updating the blog recently. Due to circumstances beyond my control (my job and my son!), I have not trained at the dojo since the end of March. However, all that will change at the beginning of May when I pay my membership dues for the new month; it's kind of like holding myself accountable. When I pay for a particular month, I want to get my money's worth. Unfortunately, that didn't happen for this month.

During my time away from the dojo, I've been exploring the spiritual aspects of aikido along with zen meditation, etc. Following is a short bibliography for anyone interested (if some of these books are difficult to locate, then any title on these topics should be adequate):

Miyamoto, Musashi. The Book of Five Rings. (trans. by Thomas
Cleary.) Boston: Shambhala, 1993.
Shikantaza: An Introduction to Zazen. Shohaku Okumura, ed. Tokyo: Sotoshu Shumucho, 1996.
Ueshiba, Kisshomaru. The Spirit of Aikido. (trans. by Taitetsu Unno.) New York: Kodansha, 1987.
Yamada, Mumon. How to Practice Zazen. (trans. by Eshin Nishimura.) Kyoto: Institute for Zen Studies.
Zen kokoroto karadaga kireini naru Suwarikata (Zen Style for a Beautiful Life). Tokyo: Ikeda Shoten, 2004.

Before each class at the dojo, I like to do five minutes of zazen (sitting meditation) before sensei comes in. It really helps me draw the mental line between my busy life up to that point and my hour of training. Plus, zazen is something that I can do at home. At Rinsenji Temple in Tokyo where my wife and I used to practice zazen, the priest told us that even five minutes each day will refresh the mind and body.

It has been awhile since I've been on the mat, so I am really looking forward to going back. During my hiatus, I have come to realize how fortunate I am for the opportunity to train at Hombu.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Cherry Blossoms

Cherry blossom (sakura) trees in full bloom